On Mon, Mar 24, 2008 at 19:28:06 -0700,
  David White <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Until recently we were hosting many of our services on Jexiste. Recently
> we have switched to ibiblio. However, each of these services have
> various limitations that makes them problematic:

It sounds like it might still be nice to use ibiblio for high bandwidth
relatively constant stuff. Can they be a proxy for another web server
so that they keep the constant stuff local and hit the real web server 
just for dynamic stuff.

> Because of this, I've had discussions with Ivanovic and Mist, and we
> feel that it may be time to consider trying to fund our own server.
> After some research, we have found that for about 90 euros/month, or
> $150US/month, we should be able to obtain a dedicated server with a dual
> core CPU, 2GB of memory, and a 100Mb connection. We feel that such a
> server would be sufficient to run all of the above listed services.

That sounds pretty reasonable. I assume that the 100Mb is a 100 megabit per
second burst speed? What kinds of aggregate traffic costs are involved there?
(I would be shocked if you can get 100Mb/s 24x7 for the above price.)

> We will get $500 for each student who participates in the Summer of
> Code, but that is not for some time. We could ask people to donate money
> to the cause. I suspect we could raise maybe $500-$700 with this
> approach. Finally, we could advertise, but it would likely take a while
> to raise money using this approach.

Donations may not be reliable. Ads might work if you can set up a fire
and forget system for using them. If handling donations and/or ads
ends up being a big time sink for someone it may not be a good way to go.

> I would be willing to initially finance at least some part of it, as
> long as there was some plan to repay me the money, possibly through
> advertising.
> Any thoughts? Any other ideas? Anyone who has a nice big juicy server
> sitting on a rack ready to go and wants to donate it to us? :-)

I would think that a virtual server would be adequate for the project and we
would probably be more likely to get one of those donated than a complete piece
of hardware.

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