I won't deny that he couldn't find the "end turn" button, but IMHO he  
did not correctly
diagnose *why* he had the problem.

Unless he has a badly calibrated monitor, or a vision problem, he can  
indeed SEE
the button, but he didn't know where to look, and somehow didn't  
notice it.
I daresay he had no trouble clicking on this "invisible" button after  
he found it.

It's not the fault of the UI styling (which he blames) but his  
unfamiliarity of the UI,
possibly combined with insufficient emphasis on this particular button.
Making everything more "contrasty" would not increase the overall ease  
of use.

Having the end-turn button flash, glow or throb one you have moved all  
as in Civ IV could be a good idea, because it only attracts attention  
when needed.
I don't know how easy that would be.

On Oct 5, 2008, at 2:54 AM, Nils Kneuper wrote:
> |> Contrast issues: Putting black buttons on a dark brown border on  
> top
> |> of a black area of the screen is a great way for buttons to get
> |> lost. I spent noticable amounts of time trying to find the End Turn
> |> button initially, because I simply couldn’t SEE it. Not a major  
> issue,
> |> but could definitely be addressed.
> |
> | I think Kemn has an excellent point here -- the buttons should  
> have a
> | more contrasty color.
> Yes, the buttons are dark but they fit into the whole theme. That  
> is: no idea
> how to change the button color while still keeping it look decent  
> and not like
> the ones responsible for choosing the colors came directly from the  
> kindergarten
> (hello designers of Microsoft Windows themes...)...

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