On Thu, Jul 22, 2010 at 03:56:07AM -0700, Noy wrote:
> Hello all
> In discussion with the developers we've come to the conclusion that we  
> need to have a meeting to resolve the licensing issue. I've taken it  
> upon myself to get this organized on IRC. So here are the preliminary  
> particulars, subject to change.

Thanks for doing so, which chan will it be? #wesnoth-dev or a special
invitation only chan?

> Date and time: Sunday August 1st, 1600gmt. That should make it  
> workable for most people around the globe, but if people have problems  
> we can look at changing the date. 1600GMT puts it into the late  
> evening for people in South Asia, and around 8am for the West Coast of  
> North america. Given these strictures, moving the time of day will be  
> difficult, but which exact day might be more manageable.

I'm not sure whether I can be around that day, but my weekends are
pretty filled already. If I can't be around I'd like to get the logs
(if the meeting isn't in #wesnoth-dev).

> Topic: The focus of this meeting will be to determine what are the  
> wishes of the Wesnoth developers on this issue. I cannot stress this  
> enough; we want to avoid rehashing the debate regarding legality or  
> appropriateness we've seen online the past couple of weeks. I think we  
> can all agree that there is a clear deliniation of positions at this  
> point and spending more time on it will likely turn out to be  
> unproductive.

I think it is important to know whether or not there actually is a
license violation and if so what kind of violation exactly. Did anybody
actually ask Apple to obey the rules of the GPL and if so what happened
to that request?

> Thus the general aim is to determine what the stakeholders want, and
> agree on a general policy for such issues in the future.


Mark de Wever aka Mordante/SkeletonCrew

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