Too bad github seems to be out (could we get more space for a small monthly
fee, assuming Wesnoth can afford it?), it's really a pleasure to use. Never
like SourceForge too much, it's rather slow and unwieldly - well, it would
still be a big improvement over gna! .

Both github and google code have https:// write access (actually that's all
google code offers), which is a big deal for me (and perhaps others) as
it'd allow me to work behind a proxy. As far as I can tell sourceforge only
offers git:// and ssh://.

I haven't been active recently so feel free to disregard my vote, but at
first glance Google Code looks like the best solution to me.


2013/2/21 jeremy rosen <>

> I have to admit that code review is an awesome tool for patch management.
> On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:21 PM, christopher hopman <>
> wrote:
> > I haven't been real active on Wesnoth, but I thought I'd share my
> thoughts,
> > feel free to disregard them.
> >
> > In my experience, GitHub is the best (most user/developer-friendly
> project
> > hosting), I really wish we could find a way to make it work. I've always
> > disliked sourceforge as the site always seemed very user-unfriendly
> (though
> > I did just take a quick look at their site and it has gotten better,
> though
> > still not great and the ads are too intrusive).
> >
> > One option to consider is Google Code which has a 4GB limit. I don't
> like it
> > as much as GitHub, particularly the UI is basic/ugly.
> >
> > One major benefit of GitHub or Google Code over sourceforge is integrated
> > code review. This is something I would have loved to have when I was more
> > active on Wesnoth.
> >
> > Here's some other's thoughts on project hosting:
> >
> >
> >
> >
> > On Thu, Feb 21, 2013 at 5:33 AM, Eric S. Raymond <>
> wrote:
> >>
> >> Gna! does not host git repositories. Supposing it did, one of the
> >> motivations for the move is a sense that Gna! is teetering on the
> >> brink and not a safe place to remain.  We need to pick a new
> >> hosting site.
> >>
> >> GitHub has a lot of fans in Wesnoth's developer base. But it is not
> >> going to be GitHub.  The reason is size.
> >>
> >> AI0867 did a test conversion with git-svn to scope the size of the git
> >> repo.  With aggressive GC and repacking it is 1.4GiB.  GitHub has a
> >> limit of 1GiB per repo, not because of storage space but because they
> >> fear downloaders becoming bandwidth hogs. Mordante asked the GitHub
> >> admins for an exception to this policy; he was politely but definitely
> >> denied.
> >>
> >> On IRC I have heard two different kinds of attempt to argue away this
> >> denial. One was "but it's just described as a guideline, not a hard
> >> quota".  This will not wash; we asked the GitHub admins if they are
> >> willing to host a 1.4GB repo and they said *no*.  Trying to fly in the
> >> face of that denial would poison our relationship with the site and
> >> quite possibly get us kicked off for TOS violation.  This is not a
> >> risk that would be in any way prudent to take.
> >>
> >> The second form of evasion is various schemes to carve the repo into
> >> chunks of less than 1GB size, by breaking out some subset of (a)
> >> music, (b) the website branch, (c) the resource branch.
> >>
> >> This won't fly either.  I could run exact numbers, but I don't need
> >> to.  We are *not* going to trim more than 400MiB off the main repo
> >> this way (that's nearly a full third of the historical content!).  And
> >> even if we could, it wouldn't solve the real problem; what GitHub
> >> cares about is the aggregate bandwith of our downloaders, not how it's
> >> divvied up into parcels.  They would (rightly) interpret a carve-up as
> >> a skeevy attempt to end-run their refusal.
> >>
> >> The clincher is that our release manager wants (quite reasonably) that
> >> everything that goes in a release bundle to be in one repo.  That
> >> precludes breaking out the music - and the other plausible split
> >> candidates are small enough to be noise by comparison.
> >>
> >> So, no GitHub.  I don't even have to get into my nervousness about
> >> replicating the BitKeeper fiasco by relying on proprietary closed
> >> source, or my near-certainty that trying to carve up the repo into
> >> chunks would set us up for troublesome unanticipated synchronization
> >> problems down the road.
> >>
> >> Given our circumstances, I think the obvious best candidate is
> >> SourceForge.  It doesn't have a size quota, we already own the
> >> Wesnoth project there, and we'll be able to write our own
> >> bugtracker integration hooks from git using the Allura API.
> >>
> >> However, I do not want to make that SourceForge decision unilaterally.
> >> Senior devs and release manager, please weigh in on this.  Please
> >> either +1 or state a reasoned objection.
> >> --
> >>                 <a href="";>Eric S. Raymond</a>
> >>
> >> If gun laws in fact worked, the sponsors of this type of legislation
> >> should have no difficulty drawing upon long lists of examples of
> >> criminal acts reduced by such legislation. That they cannot do so
> >> after a century and a half of trying -- that they must sweep under the
> >> rug the southern attempts at gun control in the 1870-1910 period, the
> >> northeastern attempts in the 1920-1939 period, the attempts at both
> >> Federal and State levels in 1965-1976 -- establishes the repeated,
> >> complete and inevitable failure of gun laws to control serious crime.
> >>         -- Senator Orrin Hatch, in a 1982 Senate Report
> >>
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> >> Wesnoth-dev mailing list
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> >
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> > Wesnoth-dev mailing list
> >
> >
> >
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