Hi dev-talk,

If you have been following the 1.12 critical bugs emails, then you may have
read something about the filesystem issues on windows that we are trying to
fix using a branch developed over a long period by AI0867.

This branch had many conflicts with current master -- gfgtdf has just now
merged a version of the first part of this to master, that doesn't change
any behavior but fixes the vast majority of the conflicts, which were do
due to code reorganization.

That part didn't require any library changes. The subsequent parts will.

I propose the following plan of action:

- Merge the rest of AI's branch as soon as we can
- Merge the SDL_rwops patch, which we also need to fix the problems.
- Test this on master for 1 week. Get anyone we can to test it, including
for instance this guy: http://forums.wesnoth.org/viewtopic.php?f=4&t=41018

IF things go smoothly on master and there don't seem to be any problems we
can't fix, then try to backport to 1.12. It won't be a straight-up
cherry-pick I don't think but hopefully we can use a similar strategy and
get similar results. We would then have another week to troubleshoot 1.12.

If this doesn't work out then I think we should expect to delay release
until we can figure out what to do about this.

Merging these things into master will require the following dependencies:

Boost Filesystem Version 1.44
SDL mixer version 1.2.12

We have negotiated to split off a 1.12_pandora branch which will not add
these dependencies (or similar technique), so as not to impede the pandora

*** If you are opposed to either of these changes with regards to master
branch, you need to speak up now, we really need to resolve this discussion
in the next 24-48 hours. ***

Obviously, the plan is to then do the same thing on the main 1.12 branch.
If you have opposition to these changes with regards to 1.12 branch,
there's more time to discuss but please write back right away.

While we are at it, I would like to propose that, on master, we
- Increase all boost dependencies to 1.44
- Add boost random as a dependency.

This will ensure that we get a bunch of bugfixes from upstream, simplify
our dependency regime, and allow us to merge the "boost rng" branch from

That's effectively 3 separate issues:
Filesystem 1.44 and SDL mixer 1.2.12 on master (SOON)
Filesystem 1.44 and SDL mixer 1.2.12 on 1.12   (Maybe 1 week from now)
All boost 1.44, and boost random on master     (Later)

Let's try to discuss them in 1 thread, but if it generates too much traffic
then let's split them into different threads.

shadowm adds to this:
20141014 19:35:23< shadowm> iceiceie: For reference, Debian stable has
Boost 1.49, and oldstable has 1.42.
20141014 19:35:48< shadowm> Debian stable has a good SDL_mixer version too,
and olstable has 1.2.11.
20141014 19:36:05< shadowm> Sorry, oldstable has 1.2.8, not 1.2.11.

So maybe we should actually go to boost 1.49, so we keep up with Debian

Best regards,
Chris Beck
Wesnoth-dev mailing list

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