Dear Alaka,

Thank you for bringing up this and doing the extra work of asking the 
questions. If WNF can partake in the fast tracking of the establishment of this 
university, then WNF would have made a difference in the lives of the people of 
West Nile. In my opinion WNF should partake and can do so as a civil society 
organization. I do't have a name to suggest now, will certainly do so in the a 
few days to come.

Thank you,

banduga Ismail


From: Caleb Alaka <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <>
Sent: Tue, 2 February, 2010 14:10:45
Subject: [WestNileNet] A Public University in West Nile

Dear Colleagues,

Last Week on Thursday, I had a meeting with Hon. Jachan Omach. Minister of 
state for Finance (General duties). This meeting was as a result of an earlier 
meeting I had with the PPS to H.E the President. I had gone to see the PPS to 
fix an appointment for Asiku Jackson to see the President. But since I had 
known the PPS during the times we negotiated peace in West Nile and Juba. I 
reluctantly asked her about the University. She referred me to Hon. Jachan. In 
our meeting Jachan was grateful to learn about the West Nile Foundation. He 
told me that there are over 150 pledges the President made for the people of 
West Nile which needs to be followed. He further informed me that a National 
task force for the University headed by Professor Christine Dranzua (From MUK), 
had been formed. that we had lost six months. that other members of the task 
force were Rev. Father Epifani Odubiki the Principle of Lodonga TTC, Professor 
Tikodri the Deputy Vice Chancellor MUK
 and some one from Gulu University. The Ministry of Finance has released 200 
Million UgShs and another 700 Million Shs is going to be released to the task 
force . Colleagues, These guys on the National task force are busy people. I 
was in MUST over the weekend and discussed the issue with our colleagues in 
MUST and we thought we can come up with our own committee especially the 
members of the academia from West Nile to assist the National task force. If 
this is acceptable to us, we can suggest names and I will handle the matter 
with Hon. Jachan Omach who is also from West Nile. This way, we can fast track 
the establishment of the University.

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