Dear respected.

Brothers and Sisters the Issue of religion should not be a bar to westenile 
University. This issue of religion and other problems of I did this i foundede 
that I....I.... plus the tribal line. clan, village and so on is one of the 
worst disease destroying programmes. I remember Male destroying his own 
kobokonet because of I,I, tribal and clan, village issue,So I only would like 
us to work as a team to acknowledge the importance and the contributions of 


Date: Thu, 4 Feb 2010 06:09:37 +0000
Subject: [WestNileNet] University of WestNile(UoW)

Hello all.I write in response to the contribution Tabu Butagira has posted most 
recently.The piece is so good that I am utterly disappointed and amazed at 
contributions that are still talking of whether we should embrace a Public 
University in WestNile ( perhaps to be called University of WestNile-UoW) or 
not.Unfortunately we are all entitled to our opinions.To me we should proceed 
and the sceptics shall join in the "last bus".
Below I reproduce a contribution that I made to this forum last year about the 
same and you can make your -compare and contrast.
The latest I have heard from Arua ( by a source on this net) is that the 
proposed University may initially start in the present Muni NTC.Despite the 
reservations about the motive, success/ failure etc of the government in 
establishing the UoW, I believe we should try to embrace the idea.
Nile University had problems from the onset with some West Nile districts(names 
withheld) opposing its location in Arua.Remember too that religious sentiments 
have been at play .Because some founder members were seen to be coming from a 
certain religion-and ethnic group too- a section of the society felt reluctant 
to co-own it.These and more reasons have left the university where it is now.
Perhaps it will be argued that if government put money in Nile University it 
would by now be a giant.Yes and No.Yes for we know that without resources 
nothing can almost move, and No for the reasons in par. 2 above.So now is it 
time to stop the creation of the University and first lament at the failure of 
government to provide other facilities we have been crying for or welcome it as 
we continue to push.Gulu University was created at a time when the Acholi 
wanted nothing but PEACE.For whatever reason it was created then, the benefits 
are now clear for all to see-education, employment, investment, infrastructure 
Again, are we sure that if we resist the creation of UoW then the money will be 
diverted to improving roads, power, water etc in West Nile etc. I for one doubt.
On a lighter note and for selfish reasons, am praying the University is 
established in Muni since I have 1/4 acre of land nearby which I could cash 
on!!!!!.The rest of this debate can then be conducted on a platform at the 
Faculty of Humanities, University of WestNile(UoW)-Muni.
The debate is back to your face.
Droma M.O
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