Great piece of writing indeed.
This made my morning and now I understand why I spent 6 years in Arua and still 
struggle to speak the language - confusion just that needs very meticulous 
attention to detail and context even though I was from across the Lugbara 
border in Kakwa land

Dr. Data Santorino
Lecturer Department of Pediatrics and Child Health 
Mbarara University of Science and Technology 

 From: Anyole J <>
To: George Afi Obitre-Gama <>; A Virtual Network for friends 
of West Nile <>; A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 7:21 PM
Subject: Re: [WestNileNet] Learning the Lugbara Language - A bloggers 2 cents-a 
good read!

This is a very interesting piece. It is always nice to see things from an 
out-siders perspective and make sense of things we are usually oblivious to, 
house-mouth, za-mva, et all!

The piece does bring out some things that worry anthropologist too, cultures 
are gradually getting eroded "traditions have been changing here as the 
pressure of our Western culture pervades and invades." as well, it high lights 
some issues that continue to plague us, such as time keeping, which has itself 
not been eroded by the same western culture.

Thanks for sharing this, it did make my day that more interesting, got me 
thinking. One of these days, "I'll beat my vernacular teacher a phone"


 From: George Afi Obitre-Gama <>
To: A Virtual Network for friends of West Nile <> 
Sent: Thursday, April 25, 2013 4:12:31 AM
Subject: [WestNileNet] Learning the Lugbara Language - A bloggers 2 cents-a 
good read!

A new year, a new language, more confusion
Why can't everyone speak English?
16.01.2013  30 °C 
Learning a new language and culture is like discovering a new world, opening 
your eyes and mind to completely amazing and strange ideas, some shocking, some 
fascinating, most unexpected.
 the beginning of the new year, we have a new teacher, Eunice, who is hoping to 
make us into fluent Lugbara speakers within a few months… Lugbara is the local 
tribe in Arua, one of the 10 largest tribes in Uganda (out of a total of 34 
ethnicities). The Lugbara are a tribe descended from Nigeria to settle here. 
Their territory extends around Arua and into the Democratic Republic of Congo, 
so families have been split by the arbitrary political boundaries drawn by the 
Europeans in Berlin in 1884. 
Disconcertingly, we seem to be a source of great amusement for most of the 
ex-pats when we tell them we are taking this time to study Lugbara. “Good 
luck”, they tell us. They then go on to tell you a story of someone who has 
been attempting the language for many years and haven’t gotten very far. Some 
compare the language to Chinese, saying it is one of the most difficult
 languages in the world to
 learn. It is quite depressing hearing this, obviously… Additionally, having 
grown up in Congo and learning Swahili there, having lived in Malawi and Kenya 
and trying to learn the languages there, while being exposed to various other 
African languages, it is frustrating to have to start at zero like a baby once 
again….those languages are nothing like Lugbara!
Most whites don’t even bother to learn Lugbara especially since this tribe is 
only one of 5 in the close vicinity of one another. For example, the Alur are 
settled on the outskirts of Arua town. Their language is close to the Luo 
language which we were learning in Kenya. To make it even worse, there are 
sub-sections of the Lugbara tribe with variations in the way words are said. 
Whoopee to learning a difficult language which is only spoken by a few and 
which is nothing like any other language we have ever heard!

Eunice, in action, confusing us
Eunice is a good teacher, though, having patience with us as we sit on the 
veranda trying to repeat what on earth she has just said. As a Lugbara, she is 
also good at turning up late, demonstrating how a Lugbara should act. As 
Lilian, another Lugbara who works for us says, “Lugbaras is not following time, 
ha!” and laughs out loud. So, anyway, she is almost an hour late today, but 
since we live in Africa, you never know what may have happened. It could be a 
relative has just died and she has to go to the funeral. 
Despite the issue of time-keeping, which especially bothers Emma, Eunice has 
been effective at moving us on in the language. Emma and I already feel more 
confident using some simple phrases and greetings. For example, I was 
particularly proud when I asked for 10 eggs the other day in the local wooden 
 close to our
 home. “Ife mani augbe mundri”.  The word for egg 'augbe' is spoken as though 
you are swallowing an egg...
One of the problems of learning Lugbara is that the same words can mean 
completely different things. So, for instance, the word for sauce, “tibi”, is 
the same word for ‘beard’, just with a different tone. Emma wonders if this has 
anything to do with someone’s long beard dragging in their gravy once upon a 
time. There are other examples, though the best so far is the word ‘ago’, which 
if intonated differently, can either mean ‘husband’ or ‘pumpkin’. A phrase like 
‘my beautiful fiancée’ can also come across as ‘my beautiful warthog’, so any 
wannabe suitors need to be pretty careful in this town…
Emma also uses a lot of imagination when it comes to remembering the Lugbara 
phrases or words. So, for instance, the word for peanuts is ‘funo’ (foon-oh). 
Emma thinks of little peanuts bouncing around and having a lot of fun. It can 
be a bit of a tentative or weird link at times. She is constantly whispering to 
me how I can remember a word. Awupi (A-whoopee) is the word for Aunt on your 
dad’s side. Obviously, this conjures up thoughts of playing a trick with my 
Auntie Barbara with a whoopee cushion…’Fetaa’ (feta) means gift and so it is 
remembered by thinking of giving someone a gift of cheese. I often wish I had 
had Emma as a study partner for my IGCSE or IB exams in Holland as I would not 
have spent so many lost hours staring blankly at walls trying to cram boring 
information into my struggling mind.
Alongside Emma's visual mind, we are also discovering that Lugbara is quite a 
visual language. The word for ‘fingers’, for example, is ‘hand-children’. This 
also works for ‘toes’ (foot children). The word for door translates directly as 
‘house-mouth’. The floor is the ‘house-stomach’. Today, we learnt that veranda 
is the ‘joeti’ or ‘house buttocks’!! You can’t make this stuff up, eh? It’s 
Onomatopoeia is often used as well in the language. 'Kulukulu' 
(koo-loo-koo-loo) is the name for a turkey and on hearing the sound a turkey 
makes the other day when passing a homestead, I really thought it described it 
well. Barking is ‘agbo-agbo’, crying is 'owu- owu' (oh-woo) and laughing is 
'ogu- ogu' (oh-goo). I can’t remember any of these sound words properly and 
instead guess by making any noise that I think would fit. It unfortunately 
doesn’t work. One of our favourite onomatopoeiatic words is the word for 
butterfly ‘alapapa’, just like the sound of little wings beating! 
Language can also be an intimate doorway into the culture. We couldn’t believe 
t, when Eunice explained the word for ‘girl’ is made up of 2 words in Lugbara, 
‘za’ meaning ‘meat’ and ‘mva’ meaning ‘child’! 'Meat-child!' Girls have been 
seen as great little earners in a family by providing a dowry of up to 20 head 
of cattle and 15 goats and extras like bows and arrows and hoes.
However, so many of the traditions have been changing here as the pressure of 
our Western culture pervades and invades. Loin cloths have been out since the 
1950s or 60s (Maybe this is a good thing. I can’t see the Craig family 
sauntering down the road semi-nude in Arua, and it would make an embarrassing 
family photo). Instead, though, everyone is wearing second-hand Western 
clothes. Out is the tradition to remove your 6 front teeth using only a hammer 
and some herbs to encourage healing of your mouth afterwards (I’m also thankful 
this is not practised anymore), and marking the skin by cuts with a razor in 
adolescence is now stopped. However, as Eunice explained, the rather 
exaggerated buttocks size in women is still favoured by the culture, especially 
if the buttocks also jiggles while walking. 
All-in-all, though pretty tiring, it is really interesting learning the 
language and culture. It definitely does show how very different we Westerners 
are (especially compared to the recent past) and so will help us understand how 
to approach people more effectively. We are hoping knowledge of the language 
can help us build relationships and get alongside people better (until we meet 
others from the next tribe along who don’t have a clue what we are saying…). 

Eunice, Lilian and all of us outside on the 'house-buttocks' in the 

Amelie in the jokoni
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