​Dear J. A. Jackson,​

I too like you elaboration. I just looked at a satellite image over the
West Nile region for 2 different time periods, Year 2000 and 2010, the land
cover has really changed. The natural forest has disappeared. The
vegetation index is very low. That means most of the times the land doesn't
have something green/vegetation/crops etc. consequently, this signifies the
likelihood of long term severe food insecurity.

This coincides with rampant taking of drugs i.e Miraa, Marijuana, Alcohol
etc which is a social problem. I therefore really expect the Politician to
come together and work with technocrats in order to curb some of these
looming issues rather than politicizing irrelevant issues.

​Happy New Year all of you.​

*Ojoatre Sadadi*
M: +31 685 25 4832
E: jtrsad...@gmail.com
Skype: Osadadi

On Tue, Jan 5, 2016 at 6:04 PM, JohnAJackson <javud...@gmail.com> wrote:

>    - If you look back at the UNEB results  from PLE, O-Level, A-Level for
>    the last 10 years or so, there is nearly 80 % - 95% failure rate is schools
>    in West Nile region. The same may be true for other regions outside 
> Kampala.
>    - Is privatization of education (private schools without staff)
>    killing the basic fabric of education in this region? Do we have qualified
>    teachers teaching in these schools?  Are these teachers paid or paid on
>    time? Are teachers motivated educators? Does this massive school drop out
>    rate concern politicians from this region? What are our politicians doing
>    to address this problem? What is the long term socio-economic impact of
>    this massive school drop out rate on our own communities in the West Nile
>    region or Uganda for that matter?
>    - "Chewing Mirraa"  has taken over a generation of youth not only in
>    towns but reaching out into villages. "Mirraa" is cannabis. It is an
>    addictive drug  similar to marijuana. Doing nothing about the propagation
>    of Mirraa (cannabis) is a disaster for this region. We have seen the number
>    of mental cases rising up in this region. Do our politicians from this
>    region have a strategy to look at alternative cash crops which people can
>    grow to earn income rather than growing Mirraa that leads to self
>    destruction of our own communities?
>    - We have one of the worst history of maternal health care system in
>    the region. There were recent pictures taken from Arua regional hospital
>    Maternity Ward where some expectant mothers lay on the floor and another
>    one bleeding. Seeing these type of pictures are horrifying. What is going
>    in this hospital? Is it that nurses don't care about their patients? Nurses
>    and medical staff are paid because of these patients who need their care.
>    Is the problem in this hospital (and others) lack of customer care? If this
>    is the case, what does it take to educate nurses (medical staff) to have
>    empathy/sympathy/mercy of these expectant mothers or patients?
>    - Deforestation of heavily populated parts of West Nile region has
>    become a serious environmental problem. If you look at areas like Terego,
>    Maracha, Madi Okollo, these areas have lost almost all the natural forest.
>    As our population depends on wood fuel nearly 100%, we need to step up
>    campaign on *Tree Planting education.*  This may sound like a simple
>    problem but we can see obvious consequences of environmental destruction.
>    Rivers where we used to fish are drying up during hot season. Today you can
>    jump over Enyau river during dry season. Who could accomplish this in 1970s
>    or 1980s?  I am posting everyone images of Lake Chad for you guys to see
>    the impact of human activity on the environment.(
>    http://www.unep.org/dewa/vitalwater/article116.html)
> JJ
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