Andre Pang <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> >> --range=1025..2048
>> >> --range=1024..2047
>> > 
>> > I haven't been following that closely, but how are you going to
>> > tell what the user really wants to do if he gives either of those
>> > two statements?
>> Only one of those statements will be a valid way of downloading the
>> second kilobyte of a file.  The question is, which one.
> Oh!  That makes it a bit easier :).  I vote for 1025..2048, which
> I believe is standard across all functional programming
> languages.  The [ and ] also correlate nicely to the mathematical
> interpretations.  (Compare [5..10] with (6..9), for instance).

This is again a misunderstanding.  Both of the above are inclusive,
they only disagree on whether the first byte is 0 or 1.  You have
elided parts of my posting that explain that.

Note that I never proposed an interval open on both sides, but only on
the right side.  And you deleted that proposal.  Again, the
alternatives are:

1025..2048   starting with one, end-closed
1024..2047   starting with zero, end-closed
1024..2048   starting with zero, end-open

> The majority of end-user utilities seem to like counting from 1,
> whereas programming languages tend to start counting from 0.  A
> quick look at the GNU text utilities (e.g. tail -c) seems use
> 1-counting rather than 0-counting.

That makes sense for counting lines.  Bytes are almost always indexed
from zero.

> Basically, I think that from an end-user perspective, they're used
> to dealing with 1-counting, not 0-counting.

If you're *counting* something, sure.  But we're not implementing `wc
-c' here -- we are referring to specific bytes, or rather to an
interval.  0-based indexing makes much more sense to me.

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