On Fri, Dec 07, 2001 at 12:00:44PM +0300, Valery Kondakoff wrote:
>AE> Run wget in the background and then do a 'tail -f logfile' in your
>AE> console window. Problem solved.
>Thank you for your answer.
>Unfortunately, I'm running Windows and your suggestion doesn't work on
>this platform. :(

See http://sources.redhat.com/ for Cygwin. It even has a free X server!
Full Unix environment! Most Unix source code compiles w/o modification!

What I'm getting at is that, IMO at least, to put a gross kluge into wget in
order to cover up for the deficiencies of Windows is a Bad Idea.

If the platform doesn't support command line apps well (and does not support
symlinks, or case sensitive filenames, or a unified filesystem view, or any
number of other commonly accepted OS features), then upgrade the platform.

Alan Eldridge
#include <cstdlib>

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