On Friday, December 07, 2001 10:01 AM, Valery Kondakoff
> Hello, Alan!
> 7 декабря 2001 г., you wrote to me:
> >>I'm pretty unhappy with current wget logging possibilities, beause I
> >>need to log all messages to logfile _and_ monitor downloading in
> >>console window. (Both options -o and -a are blocking console output).
> >>
> AE> Run wget in the background and then do a 'tail -f logfile' in your
> AE> console window. Problem solved.
> Thank you for your answer.
> Unfortunately, I'm running Windows and your suggestion doesn't work on
> this platform. :(


if you have the cygwin tools, it includes the 'tee' program.
It does "Copy standard input to each FILE, and also to standard output.",
quoted from 'tee --help'



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