At 03:09 AM 2/8/2002, Adrian Aichner wrote:
>I've seen common practice where multipliers greater unity (K, M, G, T)
>are uppercase, smaller unitiy (m, u, n, p, a) are lower case.

I believe that in physics journals, "k" is used for kilo to distinguish it 
from "K" that is used for temperature "degrees Kelvin" (Celsius degrees 
above absolute zero).  (That's the case, I just don't know if that's the 
reason.)  The degree symbol is (was) generally used in typeset stuff, but 
the convention was developed in the days of the typewriter.  But "k" is 
definitely used for kilo among physicists -- unless there has been some 
recent "revisionism."  I'm not totally up to date in this stuff.

Fred Holmes

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