On 08/02/2002 08:30:59 Henrik van Ginhoven wrote:

>On Fri, Feb 08, 2002 at 08:54:06AM +0100, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:
>> Wget currently uses "KB" as abbreviation for "kilobyte".  In a Debian
>> bug report someone suggested that "kB" should be used because it is
>> "more correct".

This is the kind of stuff that leads to month-long flamewars :-)

>"kB" rather than "KB"? I think whoever filed that bugreport got it wrong,
>far as I know "kB" would always mean 1000 (bytes), since "k" = thousand,
>never ever 1024. If he'd said "KiB" I'd agree with him to a certain
>but "kB" simply can't be right.

Note that we can claim the distinction that k=1000 and K=1024
That won't work with 1E6 vs 2**20 because SI uses uppercase M for 1E6.

>Rather than me trying to sum it up and risk typing something wrong, this
>page seems to address the issue well:

Please, no kibibytes :-)
Maybe wget should just count 512-byte "blocks", a la df.
That would improve the understandability of the display ... NOT
But it would keep the terminally anal-retentives at bay :-)

Seriously, just ignore it. I can certainly live with 5%
"experimental error" ( 2**20 = 1.0486E6 ) at megabyte level.

Csaba Ráduly, Software Engineer                           Sophos Anti-Virus
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