I noticed this with the latest CVS Wget:

$ wget ftp://ftp.deepspace6.net/pub/ds6/sources/nc6/nc6-0.5.tar.bz2
--23:45:52--  ftp://ftp.deepspace6.net/pub/ds6/sources/nc6/nc6-0.5.tar.bz2
           => `nc6-0.5.tar.bz2'
Resolving ftp.deepspace6.net... 2001:760:204:10:10:a7ff:fe16:27f4, 
Connecting to ftp.deepspace6.net|2001:760:204:10:10:a7ff:fe16:27f4|:21... failed: 
Address family not supported by protocol.
Connecting to ftp.deepspace6.net|3ffe:8300:0:1:10:a7ff:fe16:27f4|:21... failed: 
Address family not supported by protocol.
Connecting to ftp.deepspace6.net||:21... connected.

Wget works well, but it looks ugly because my machine is not
configured for IPv6.

According to OpenGroup's web site, AI_ADDRCONFIG flag should be of use
here.  Should I be worried that the getaddrinfo man page on my (RHL 9)
system doesn't mention AI_ADDRCONFIG?

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