On Wed, 12 Nov 2003, Hrvoje Niksic wrote:

> "Mauro Tortonesi" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> >> Wget works well, but it looks ugly because my machine is not
> >> configured for IPv6.
> >>
> >> According to OpenGroup's web site, AI_ADDRCONFIG flag should be of use
> >> here.  Should I be worried that the getaddrinfo man page on my (RHL 9)
> >> system doesn't mention AI_ADDRCONFIG?
> >
> > yes, that's why AI_ADDRCONFIG has been introduced. unfortunately,
> > glibc does not support AI_ADDRCONFIG yet. you have to install
> > libinet6 from the usagi kit:
> >
> > http://www.deepspace6.net/docs/best_ipv6_support.html
> OK.  Interestingly enough, nc6 doesn't seem to have this problem (or
> it's not displaying the errors).

that's because chris leisham and i have worked __A LOT__ in order to get
nc6 work and do the RIGHT THING (TM) in every circumstance ;-)

> I suppose I can work around the problem by specifying `inet4_only=yes'
> in .wgetrc...
> Better yet, maybe we should make -4 the default on machines that don't
> support AI_ADDRCONFIG and on which creating an AF_INET6 socket fails?

IMHO, no. we should simply try in order each sockaddr address returned by
getaddrinfo (if we don't, there can be problems in system which support
RFC3484) and print an error message only if the verbosity option is
turned on.

BTW: i have moved the discussion on the list. sorry for not having done it
     before, but i was in a hurry and i was answering from my
     not-configured-at-all webmail account.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi                 [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
                                [EMAIL PROTECTED]
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 with Linux  http://www.deepspace6.net
Ferrara Linux User Group        http://www.ferrara.linux.it

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