dear friends,

i have just released the second alpha version of wget 1.10:

you are encouraged to download the tarballs, test if the code works properly 
(especially WRT LFS support and NTLM authentication) and report any bug you 

i remind you that the feature freeze for the release of wget 1.10 started last 
sunday (april 10th) and that the only patches that will be accepted and 
merged into our cvs until the 1.10 release will be (hopefully minor) 

in the last days a lot of patches have been submitted to the wget-patches 
mailing list. most of them are very interesting, but since the new features 
introduced in wget 1.10 are already very significant and i would like to 
release the new version of wget before the end of this month, i chose not to 
merge any of those patches and leave them for wget 1.11.

anyway, here is a brief report on the status of those pending patches:

garycao's strict quota enforcement patch:

Unfortunately garycao's patch is not ready for inclusion yet. Anyway, strict 
quota enforcing will be absolutely added to wget 1.11.

Johannes Hoff's specify SSL cypher patch:

IMVHO, this patch adds an interesting feature to wget. i will consider merging 
it in wget 1.11.

Leonid Petrov's --persistent patch:

this patch adds a very useful feature and will be merged in cvs as soon as the 
development cycle for wget 1.11 starts.

Jim Wright's --waitretry patch:

this patch changes the semantics of the --waitretry switch. Jim also proposes 
to keep the current semantics by introducing a new --waitretrylimit switch. 
although i like Jim's approach, his patch is just a simple hack which needs 
some work to be integrated and before changing the semantics of a command 
switch i would like to investigate if this could cause any significant 
problem for the users.

Jim Wright's no partial files patch:

i think deletion of partially retrieved files is another useful feature which 
deserves to be added to wget ASAP. however, at this stage Jim's patch is just 
a hack that works only for FTP (it would be nice to support HTTP as well) and 
definitely needs a lot of work before being integrated.

Doug Kaufman's DOS patch:

this patch needs a bit of cleaning. i am not planning to merge this patch into 
wget anytime soon, as its code is very intrusive and even harder to maintain 
since neither i or hrvoje have access to a DOS system with watt32. however, 
if doug agrees and keeps maintaining its patch, for the moment we can 
distribute the DOS support code as a separate patch, which would be 
downloadable from the official wget FTP repository.

Steven Schweda's VMS patches:

unfortunately i haven't seen these patches yet, but the same considerations i 
have written above about DOS support apply also to the VMS support.

Tobias Tiederle's regex patch:

regex is a very nice feature which i am planning to include in a future 
release of wget (hopefully 1.11). but, since wget supports so many platforms, 
we have to come up with a portable implementation of regex and i don't know 
yet if from this point of view using the PCRE library as Tobias does in its 
patch is the best thing to do. i would like to hear other opinions on this 

i hope i haven't forgot any other patches. if so, please tell me.

Aequam memento rebus in arduis servare mentem...

Mauro Tortonesi

University of Ferrara - Dept. of Eng.
Institute of Human & Machine Cognition
Deep Space 6 - IPv6 for Linux  
Ferrara Linux User Group       

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