From: Hrvoje Niksic

> The "--.--" current download rate means that the download is currently
> not progressing.  [...]

   Looking at the code in src/progress.c (version 1.10.2), it would
appear that "--.--K/s" is emitted when either the time
(hist->total_time) or the byte count (hist->total_bytes) is zero, rather
than just when the time is zero.  This precludes emitting a "0.0" rate,
which would be more informative, in my opinion, than "--.--K/s".

   0/10 is quite well defined, even though 10/0 is not.  When I see a
rate like "--.--K/s", I assume that there's not enough info to provide
a real number (such as no bytes transferred), not that the value is


   Steven M. Schweda               [EMAIL PROTECTED]
   382 South Warwick Street        (+1) 651-699-9818
   Saint Paul  MN  55105-2547

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