On Mon, 03 Apr 2006 17:15:52 +0200
 Mauro Tortonesi <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

> > The fix will appear in the next release, 1.11.  Mauro's paragraph you
> > quoted (beginning with "i am going to test and apply your patch later
> > this week") referred to applying the patch to the version control
> > repository, not to the timeframe of releasing 1.11.
> > 
> > It is my understanding that 1.11 will be released within the next
> > couple of months; Mauro might give a more precise date.
> wget 1.11 will definitely be released in the next couple of months, but i
> can't be more precise in this moment. at the beginning, i was thinking
> about adding support for regex, gnunet and fix gnutls support in that
> release. now i am reconsidering whether to delay these new features for
> 1.12 and focus on fixing the incredible number of recently reported bugs
> instead.

it's already 10 months since your promise to release wget 1.11,
and almost a year since i've reported this problem,
but wget 1.11 will hasn't been released. what are your plans for the new


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