As my last word on this pointless bit of the thread, I'm going to spell it out....

Your thread:

Martin Atkins wrote:

Perhaps you and I have different ideas about what is meant by "full screen", but why would a page need to hide anything when the video is full screen? The page itself won't be visible, because the video will be taking up the entire screen!

My thought was that it would be the same function as the current "full screen" that the browser has. I.e. the page says "For full- screen, press F11". The user presses F11 and the browser makes the window full-screen, and additionally tells the page that this has happened via an event, so it can arrange to make the appropriate content fill the entire viewport. (Or not, if they want to continue to display captions, or ads, or a set of links).

I was agreeing with Martin and disagreeing with you.
Fullscreen video should be like that of a media player, think VLC, Quicktime, DVD Player(on the Mac), Cyber-whatever, you choose fullscreen, all you get is the video.

I think it should be like this, as you are telling the <video> element to go fullscreen and *not* the page.
That's my opinion.

On 22 Mar 2007, at 16:02, Gervase Markham wrote:

Gareth Hay wrote:
I really don't understand this attitude, it was a very clear point, pressing F11 in a *large* number of browsers does not provide a 'fullscreen' mode. I mean, how many mobile devices even have an F11?

Er, F11 was an example (that's what it is in Firefox).

I could have said "press whatever key or take whatever user action is necessary to invoke the browser's mode where it occupies the entire screen", but I thought that people would have understood what I mean. It seems not.

I hope with this last comment you are attempting to be as humerous as I was when I made the IE quip.


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