On Dec 14, 2007, at 3:26 PM, Håkon Wium Lie wrote:

Also sprach Maciej Stachowiak:

1) Apple representatives have stated that we are ok with the SHOULD
clause remaining.

Thanks for clarifying this. Does this mean there is only one member
who can't live with the SHOULD? If this is the case, I think the
chairs should declare rough consensus and put the wording back in.

I don't think Ian removed the SHOULD solely because of the specific request to remove it, but rather because it does not represent a consensus on a baseline codec and is unhelpful to finding a consensus. In particular, it does not appear that presence or absence of the SHOULD clause would have any effect on any vendor's decision to implement Ogg, in the present environment.

I think this reasoning is valid and I don't see how putting the clause back would help anything. What would help is participating in the W3C's codec evaluation and research efforts (which I believe are getting underway as a result of the video workshop).


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