Calogero Alex Baldacchino wrote:
That worked fine on Opera 9 and FF2, but, when tried on IE7, the show became a little weird... the element was there, the style attribute was regarded as for any other element (display:block worked), but didn't applied to any of its descendents, as if they weren't its descendents... setting 'display:inline' didn't changed much but a brake in the line disappeared, *setting 'display:none' didn't made any descendent disappear... Why?

Note that display values cascade, but do not inherit:

having a closer look to the element's properties you can note a 'canHaveHTML' property with a value of 'false', while both firstChild and lastChild are null. It seems the unknown element is treated as expected, but any markup between its opening and closing tags is moved outside... That mean, for instance, trying and hiding a menu element which is a context menu would not work with its list of items, while floating it if it was a sidebar would not float its inner elements as well...

There is certainly a backwards compatibility issue with how unknown elements are parsed, although there is a JS-dependent hack to fix IE7:

A similar problem and hack exists for styling HTML4's ABBR in IE6 too.

Perhaps, if a foundation default aural sheet had been provided from its early standard definition, assistive addons could have choosen to support aural CSS, since the "base" would have been good and all they had to do would have been treating values as relative ones, to adjust accordingly to their usability studies...

Well, there was at least:

Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis

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