timeless ha scritto:
i don't really want to spend a lot of time with this, but any feature
authors are provided will be abused.

among my list of things which i wish were never let out of pandora's
box are defining accesskeys (instead of commands) in html, and another
which i'd hope dies on the vine is aural css.

sure it is theoretically nice to let someone encode audio. however on
average it's going to be used more often by advertisers than actual
content developers.

Of course, advertisers could avail of aural CSS, but they can right now embed a voice registration into a flash ad, targeting a wider audience...

the amount of effort required to invest in a feature which is
generally not useful far exceeds any value offered to the user by the

in the case of accesskeys, a much more useful research area is to
developer a browser global way of accessing content which works well
for the device/useragent/user. enabling each site to design its own
poor access keys is much less useful than letting browsers be
configured by their users or share keybindings from one browser to
another for a given site.

Accesskeys are an attempt to reproduce offline applications' shortcuts in web pages; maybe they're not the best, since they suffer for a double dependence, from the browser settings and the underlying operating system settings. So, if you even could make modifiers consistent from one browser to another on the same platform, you couldn't easily do the same cross-platform. Yet the overall mechanism might be improved. One way to achieve this could be using key events, to create a more articulate environment, and (anyway) establishing a generic reference to a browser default modifiers (the ones provided for accesskeys) could be usefull for cross-browser, cross-platform consistence (perhaps even for your purposes).

For the rest, do you want to develope a browser (or a browser to be developed) with the option to bypass default accesskeys at the user will? That's possible, even without a direct support by the html: just add this option and make it working like any other browser customization, then store somewhere the users' choices on a somewhat profile. Do you want generic commands, like mouse-keys combinations, or mouse gestures too? That's the same, all to do is intercepting the command before the document and translate it into an activation of the desired control (i.e., by generating the activation behavior as defined in section Interactive content). Do you wish to exchange the profile between browsers? Well, perhaps you're asking for a common profile format and a shared local storage among browsers... uhm, no, that would fail cross-platform (i.e. using a different OS or a different computer), so another solution should be found... perhaps storing users' webapps profiles in a remote server could solve such, and new services could start around such possibility, but perhaps that could lead to some security concerns, and perhaps, at the moment, it could be better to leave to each site developers the choice of default keybindings and the implementation of a mechanism to let the user customize the site/the webapp, storing the user's choices either locally or remotely on the site/the webapp server. Maybe a future version of html could endorse support for such (if not convenient at the moment). Perhaps an element could have an "activators" attribute holding the id of an "activatorset" element, which could be something like,

<activatorset id="foo">

   <sequence type="keys">
      <key type="identifier" state="down" value="a_unicode_value_here" />
      <key type="modifier" state="down" value="&defaultModifiers;" />
<!-- a state of 'down' stands for a contemporary pression, regardless the order of items declaration, and there can be any order for releasing pressed keys, but after the first release (state="up"), any other pression must happen after
            the released key - or mouse button -->
      <key type="special" state="down" value="&arrow_left;" />
      <key type="any" state="up" />
<!-- when every declared item is released, the command fires and synthetic click activation steps are run, perhaps adding an "activation" event carrying the proper sequence of keys and mouse actions, so the developer can choose among handling the (sinthetic) click,
            the "activation" event or the DOMActivate event -->
</sequence><!-- the first activation sequence is defined, any other is an alternative way to activate a control -->

   <sequence type="mouse">
      <mousebutton type="left" state="down" />
      <mousebutton type="right" state="down" />
<!-- here state has the same meaning of above: users can press them contemprary, or one first, then
            the other while still holding the other down -->
      <mousebehaviour type="move-right" />
      <mousebehaviour type="wheel" value="-3" />
<!-- mouse behaviours should happen in order, however the only needed requirements is to respect
            the order of pressions and releasing -->
      <mousebutton type="any" state="up" />

   <sequence type="mix" > <!-- keys and mouse -->
<key type="modifier" state="down" value="&AltGraph;" /> <!-- entyties to be defined somewhere -->
      <mousebutton type="right" state="down" />
      <mousebutton type="right" state="up" />
      <key type="identifier" state="down" value="unicode_here" />
      <mousebutton type="left" state="down" />
      <mousebutton type="left" state="up"/>
      <key type="any" state="up" />

<sequence type="external" /><!-- this should be implied and refers to any other type of activation, such as pressing tab then enter, or focusing elements by voice - a further version could cover direct speech activation - or just clicking over the element -->

the above could be a node descendent from an <activators> element, which might be enabled or disabled, and have no children, but a "src" attribute keeping a URL targeting an XML file, with the above format and a root element calle <activators> as well, so to be able to just keep any descendent activatorset and put it in the document. Such xml schema could be the format for users preferences remotely (or locally) stored, though I'd leave to the web application a chance to choose whether to let the user redefine default actions or not (anyway, there will be always a chance to clash with both browser and operative system default behaviours).

Any other idea? Just propose it. Come on, let's change the world! :-P

Regards, Alex.

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