On 19.2.09 14:37, Greg Millam wrote:
   *<video>  . . .</video>  is not necessarily a standalone tag. If the
author desires, they can add more elements to define tracks. Whether
this should be<caption type="format" src="..." media="caption">  or
<source type="timedtext/format" src="...">  can vary. (I prefer
<caption>  as it's more explicit).
   *<caption src="foo.srt" type="caption" language="en" name="default"
/>  adds a new caption.<caption>  is standalone.
   * Caption tags, when displayed, count as<span
class="caption">...</span>  unless they have style associated with them
(uncommon). So they can be tweaked via CSS. Whether by the author or
overridden by useragent.

User Agent:
   * Implements support for<caption>  tag.

To clarify/expand the point made elsewhere in the thread, this name conflicts with the <caption> 
element used in tables, so you'd have to fight existing HTML parsers to be able to use this right now.  I'm 
not a fan of reusing names as you propose for <caption> and as is currently done with <legend> 
within <details>/<figure> for this reason.

   * Media or Video elements now have additional features exposed via 
   * getCaptionList(): returns an array of caption elements.

On 19.2.09 14:46, Kristof Zelechovski wrote:
Instead of
          * getCaptionList(): returns an array of caption elements.
          * getCaptions(): returns an array of caption elements.

Even more minimally than either suggestion, just a "captions" getter that 
returns a (non-static) NodeList; getter methods are distinctly un-DOMish.

User Agent UI: (Only relevant if User Agent adds its own controls for media):
   * Must be able to enable caption Elements.
   * Preferably by a button on the UI with either "CC" or a double
underscore (preferred).

User Agent Context Menu:
   * Must have captions, with a list to enable/disable.

I'd rather not see this required as implementers may well create better 
interfaces than the context menu for doing this, and making a specific 
requirement for a specific widget feels rather odd.  The simple requirement 
that there be a way to enable captions on a per-media element basis (per-page 
or per-user agent instance both being insufficient) seems sufficient to me; I 
don't really think you can mandate usability, and users won't tolerate unusable 
caption UI.  However, making it an implementation suggestion is fine (as you 
suggest for the User Agent UI part with respect to a CC/double underscore 

Life would be so much easier if humans had a natural affinity for remembering 
128-bit integers.

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