Þann fös  8.júl 2011 11:20, skrifaði Jeremy Keith:
3) The solution that Oli has proposed (allowing footer within
blockquote to include non-quoted information) is an elegant one, in
my opinion. I can think of some solutions that would involve putting
the attribution data outside the blockquote and then explicitly
associating it using something like the @for attribute and an ID, but
that feels messier and less intuitive to me. Simply allowing a footer
within a blockquote to contain non-quoted material satisfies the
design principle "Avoid needless complexity."


 "Simple solutions are preferred to complex ones, when possible.
Simpler features are easier for user agents to implement, more likely
to be interoperable, and easier for authors to understand."
Citation will most likely contain the cited resource (@cite), the title
of the cited resource (@title) and the date and optionally time of the
quote (@datetime?). Further information could be put into other attributes as necessary. This seems simpler than cluttering the quote and citation together in the <blockquote>, but just throwing everything inside of the <blockquote> may very well be easier to implement. But is it really possible to mark such citations up without presentational elements?

<!-- 2112952019 = my national ID -->
<blockquote cite="kennitala:2112952019" title="Bjartur Thorlacius">
<p>Look ma, no &lt;footer>!</p>
<p>I think we should keep citations outside of &lt;blockquote>'s contents as citations aren't part of the quote per se, but metadata on the quote and the quoted resource</p>

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