On 9/8/11 4:41 PM, Hallvord R. M. Steen wrote:
as far as I know Opera is currently the only browser that supports both
script.onload and script.onreadystatechange, and this is causing us
compatibility problems because many scripts set both and expect only one
of them to run. For this reason, we plan to drop
script.onreadystatechange support.

That will break still other sites. That's why it's been added to the spec; it turned out that as long as script.onreadystatechange is not undefined (which the spec currently requires because it defines all on* attributes on all elements) there are sites that expect the event to be fired. Where by "sites" I mean at least Yandex maps so far in Gecko's experience of shipping this for a few weeks in nightlies.

The other obvious option here is to move onreadystatechange from being on all elements to only being on some elements....


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