OK, I can't help myself.  One more question:

What should happen if the fullscreen browsing context is navigated?  What
happens if the document, containing the fullscreen element, is destroyed?
 Perhaps it should bounce out of fullscreen mode?


On Mon, Oct 17, 2011 at 3:55 PM, Darin Fisher <da...@chromium.org> wrote:

> Hi Anne,
> Thanks for working on this spec!  I have more questions, but I'll just
> start with one.  If enterFullscreen() is called when the browsing context is
> already being displayed fullscreen, what should happen?  (It looks like
> Safari 5.1 ignores the second call to webkitRequestFullScreen.)
> I also find it curious that there is a bit of a dead-time between the
> request to enter fullscreen and the fullscreenchange event (nit:
> "fullscreenchange" instead of "fullscreenchanged" to be consistent, right?).
>  It appears that JS cannot request to cancel out of fullscreen mode until
> the fullscreenchange event is generated (i.e., until the fullscreen flag is
> set).  It could cause pain for developers if there is no guaranteed response
> to enterFullscreen().  Did my request succeed, did it fail?  What happened?
> -Darin
> On Fri, Oct 14, 2011 at 9:27 PM, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@opera.com>wrote:
>> I wrote up a draft:
>> http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/**fullscreen/raw-file/tip/**Overview.html<http://dvcs.w3.org/hg/fullscreen/raw-file/tip/Overview.html>
>> Defining when exactly the "fullscreen enabled" flag is set for Document
>> objects I will leave up to HTML. As well as defining the "allowfullscreen"
>> attribute. Presumably it should be set for Document objects associated with
>> the top-level browsing context and descendant browsing context as long as
>> their browsing context container has the aforementioned attribute set.
>> If we want to transition from fullscreen when navigating, HTML can define
>> that as well, neatly integrated in the navigation section. The "Model"
>> section of the Fullscreen specification has an appropriate hook.
>> I have not added the key restrictions given earlier emails. Unfortunately
>> there was not that much feedback on them, but maybe this draft will help on
>> that front!
>> I went with "fullscreen" rather than "full screen" as that seemed cleaner
>> and easier to type. I also used "enter" and "exit" rather than "request" and
>> "cancel" as they seemed somewhat nicer too. I'm less attached to this latter
>> change though.
>> --
>> Anne van Kesteren
>> http://annevankesteren.nl/

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