On Tue, 18 Oct 2011 10:33:42 +0900, Anne van Kesteren <ann...@opera.com> wrote:
Site A embeds site B. Site A goes fullscreen. Site B does requestFullscreen(). Site B does exitFullscreen(). Site A is no longer fullscreen.

Either we need to base fullscreen on browsing contexts rather than top-level browsing contexts (how?) or give up on this use case.

On IRC we discussed a solution to this model. Basically a document in which requestFullscreen() was invoked would have a flag set, so descendant documents could invoke requestFullscreen() and when exitFullscreen() on such a descendant document was invoked it would stop displaying ancestor (and any descendant) documents in fullscreen up until the first one that has the flag set. In addition there would be a "fullscreen element" and an "original fullscreen element" for each document so when exitFullscreen() is invoked you can reset the fullscreen element appropriately.

However, I just realized this does not work for the single document case. You have a video player website and you host your videos in <video> or maybe a <div> container. So your video player website is displayed fullscreen, because your users like the fullscreen application feel from their OS, but then they click to display one of those videos fullscreen and once they hit exit the video player website is also no longer displayed fullscreen.

Anyone any ideas?

Anne van Kesteren

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