On Feb 3, 2014, at 5:02 PM, Cameron McCormack <c...@mcc.id.au> wrote:

> Jonas Sicking wrote:
>> An even simpler solution would be to say "we choose the first
>> <html:title>  or<svg:title>  in document order". That has the nice
>> property that we align SVG and HTML more.
> Although as Dirk pointed out, SVG distinguishes <title> elements that are 
> children of the root element vs children of other elements.  The <title> that 
> is a child of the root element gives the title of the entire element, while a 
> <title> child of another element in the document describes only that element 
> (like title="" does in HTML).

You should compare screenreader output on IE and Firefox for Windows. SVG does 
differ titles in terms of hierarchy. The first <title>/<desc> element in the 
first hierarchy level after <svg> root is taken as title/description of the 
“document”. Document in the meaning that the outermost SVG root creates an SVG 
document. Any hierarchy after the first is the title/description of the group.

Here two examples with inline description:

  <title>This is the title of the document</title>

    <title>This is the title of the whole group with all decadents. Descendants 
can have there own <title> as well as a more detailed description of a sub 
tree. The SVG document has no title.</title>

The <svg> element within HTML content is by default used as image in most 
browsers. The role of the SVG document can be changed though.

For some more information see blog post “Using ARIA to enhance SVG 
accessibility” which tests the accessibility in browsers. [1]

I think we should not change the way accessibility is handled in SVG for the 
last 1.5 decades. ARIA on the other hand should behave the same as for HTML 
content (which it basically does). I am not aware of tests or researches that 
take different languages into account though. Anyway, I do not see how it would 
hurt if SVG defines accessibility for SVG content. We have some accessibility 
experts in the WG who add valuable input to the topic already.


[1] http://blog.paciellogroup.com/2013/12/using-aria-enhance-svg-accessibility/

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