On 3/26/07, Johan Compagner <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
Why cant you work with static id's when you do override getMarkupId?

If you do that and then return:

return getMarkupAttributes().get("id")

then that should work fine

Then I have to create custom components for all components where I
attach this behavior to. That is intrusive and cumbersome.

For now I have subclassed AjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior and
overwritten everything Wicket does:

public abstract class IridiumAjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior extends
   public IridiumAjaxFormComponentUpdatingBehavior(String event)

   protected void onBind()
       // expliciet super.onBind uitgezet, deze zet namelijk
standaard de output markup
       // id op true. Dit clasht met eigen geschreven javascript in
de pagina. Gebruikers
       // moeten zelf setOutputMarkupId aanzetten op de component.

       if (!(getComponent() instanceof FormComponent))
           throw new WicketRuntimeException("Behavior "
                   + getClass().getName() + " can only be added to an
isntance of a FormComponent");

   protected void onComponentTag(final ComponentTag tag)
       // zorg ervoor dat we de markup id pushen als deze niet in de
markup gezet is.
       String id = getComponent().getMarkupAttributes().getString("id");
       if (id == null)
           id = getComponent().getMarkupId();
           tag.put("id", id);

       // only add the event handler when the component is enabled.
       if (this.getComponent().isEnabled())
           tag.put(getEvent(), getMyEventHandler(id));

    * @see wicket.ajax.AjaxEventBehavior#getEventHandler()
   private CharSequence getMyEventHandler(String id)
       return getCallbackScript(new
               "', wicketSerialize(document.getElementById('" + id +
"'))"), null, null);


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