I think it should get in.


On 7/8/07, Juergen Donnerstag <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
In order to fix wicket-695, I once again looked at Border. Today it is
a single component and basically via different states it tries to find
the relevant markup and components. This is a little bit hairy since
the implementation, at least IMO, is not easy to understand and it was
in the past not easy to extend or fix bugs. I did not suceed to
implement wicket-695 based on that implementation.

I completely rebuild Border. The new implementation uses 2 components.
One, like a panel, for <span wicket:id="myBorder"> and <wicket:border>
and one for <wicket:body>. The body container is created in the
Borders constructor and thus is available to users right away. E.g.
via border.getBodyContainer().isVisible(false) you easily solve
wicket-695. Because the body is now a container, you can easily
re-attach it and put a container (e.g. a Form) in between the border
and the body. And you can explicitly add components to the body where
auto-resolution does not work properly.

To me it looks much nicer, but due to the two components it requires a
little bit of extra memory.

All junit tests are successful, just two (FormBorder and
BorderRenderWrappedTestPage) required changes.

The extended Border API has changed as well (basically it is gone),
but I've not seen (or heard of) anybody using it to extend Border
functionality. Extending the new Border is much more Wicket like,
since it is much more based on the existing Component/MarkupContainer

Though all junits test are successful, we are already at rc 1 and I
wasn't sure whether I shall commit it or not. What are your thoughts?


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