Whatever you want to call it, I'm advocating that something "like DataView" be packaged officially with Wicket. If we can 
agree on that, it's a start.

Sure, if its hard for people to find or if it will improve newbie
experience, then maybe it should be packaged with wicket.

Another idea would be to package a 'skeleton webapp' that a novice could start a wicket project from. It would include a small (maybe even your phonebook example) amount of code integrating the latest and recommended contrib/stuff libraries, ant build file, etc.

This suggestion comes because the last (and first time) I tried to use wicket I got half of the packages from cvs before the servers went down, then had to mismatch older packaged versions of the rest of the packages, make manual fixes just to get wicket'n'friends to compile, more fixes to get wicket working, and still didn't have any idea which wicket-stuff packages I should use! I ended up just using the wicket-example app as a starting point (because it actually worked!) and then ripped it to shreds removing & adding until I had something that worked. It was a nightmare of a wasted day.

Admittedly, most of the problems were not from wicket itself but mismatched versions of wicket vs. wicket db packages and not having access to cvs. Eventually I abandoned all wicket-data integration and went plain'ol JDBC.

Either way, just and idea...
Jason B.

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