I'll test it, but ...
... a PAGE template (not sure you meant it like that) (excluding
inherited page markup as well) must not have a <wicket:head> tag. The
purpose of <wicket:head> is for components to contribute to the page's
<head> tag. Pages don't need that. They simply add directly to <head>.
... Just to add "... _javascript_ to head-section ..." you need no
AjaxHandler IMO. That is exactly what <wicket:head> is about. Just add
what you want to be contributed to <head> to <wicket:head> of your
components markup. Provided the _javascript_ you want to add is static
and doesn't change. But again, this might be again a misunderstanding
due to the "example"

yes, i know. I should have said that this is a bug. But i wasn't 100% sure when i wrote the original mail.
The component needs the AjaxHandler (i wont go into details). The page needs <wicket:head> if it uses markup inheritance. 


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