#: Martijn Dashorst changed the world a bit at a time by saying on 8/17/2005
9:41 PM :#
Huy Do wrote:
Perfect sense. Thanks Igor and Gili for your help.
It was just a bit confusing looking at all the examples (cdapp etc)
and seeing the way things are structured.
Yeah, I can see that it is confusing. The examples are in fact different
applications put into one war. Normally you'd only have one Application
object for your WAR.
Sorry for reviving this quite old thread, but it was the only reference I could find on Wicket
application concept and still I cannot find a good explanation for this :-S.
It looks to me that the decission upon how you organize the web application from the pov of
WebApplications must take into account:
i/ the ApplicationSettings you are using (and probably the most important is
the rendering strategy)
ii/ defining some kind of namespaces (f.e. <context>/users for user management, <context>/roles for
roles management, etc.).
Does this make sense or it is mandatory/required/recommended to always use a single WebApplication
for the whole web application?
.w( the_mindstorm )p.
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