actually, the string in the label is fine because the listview rebuilds its items on every request so new labels will be created.

the problem is here:
ListView tmpCorrList = new ListView(ID_CORRELATIONS,
tmpInstrument.getCorrelations ())

this is making listview use the same list w/out updating it on every request, this should be a detachable model so that a fresh list is used on every request:

IModel listViewModel=new LoadableDetachableModel() { Object load() { return tmpInstrument.getCorrelations(); }}
ListView tmpCorrList = new ListView(ID_CORRELATIONS, listViewModel) {

hope this helps,

On 4/4/06, Maurice Marrink <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

I am also wrestling with the matrix beast and am still exploring my options.
However i might be able to help you out.
In your code the label is given a string as diplay value. This string
is not updated when the item model is. So you should give the label
the model of the item.
If you want some fancy numberformatting to take place you can always
overwrite the getConverter() method of your label to convert the
bigdecimal to a string there.

Hope this helps.


On 4/4/06, Anders Peterson <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi All,
> With one page I'm displaying a matrix of numbers and I have a problem
> updating/refreshing it. I roughly understand why it doesn't work, but I
> don't know what the best/correct way to make it work is.
> Basically I have a ListView of rows and the last column in each row is
> in turn a ListView creating more columns to the right. That final
> ListView is implemented with the code you can see below.
> How was I supposed to have done this to have updating/refreshing happen
> as automagically as possible?
> (I'm using Wicket 1.1.1)
> /Anders
> ListView tmpCorrList = new ListView(ID_CORRELATIONS,
> tmpInstrument.getCorrelations()) {
>        BigDecimal tmpCoefficient;
>        public void populateItem(final ListItem anItem) {
>        tmpCoefficient = (BigDecimal) anItem.getModelObject();
>        anItem.add (new Label(ID_COEFFICIENT, tmpCoefficient.toString()));
> }
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