I think I'd actually like it to start out as a wicket-stuff project
simply because the emphasis will be so heavy on the Wicket side and
like you said, I'd have better guidance.  Sort of like an "incubator"
project...for lack of a better description.

thats pretty much what wicket-stuff is anyways - an incubator.

go ahead and create a sf.net user (if you dont have one already) and email me the name so i can add you as a committer to wicket-stuff. from there all you have to do is create the project skeleton, check it in, and you are ready to go.

However, I think it'd be a great project and from what I've seen
available in portals out there, Wicket would give me enough leverage
to create something really competitive.

if you are talking about being competetive with other large portals that support the jsr then probably not unless you also create the jsr interoperability - which with a wicket event model is silly because wicket makes things much cleaner. but thats up to you.

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