Well, comparing to struts/jsp/... solutions the best features would be imho
1- Moving away from Request/Response
2- Full power of OO in the presentation layer
3- Real Reusable Components / Panels / Markups / Anything (!)
4- Separation of Concerns (Markup for layout and presentation, Java for
5- Power of IModels/Property Models/Compound Models (though a bit hard to
6- Neat & easy AJAX support


On 1/4/07, Nino Wael <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

 Hi im doing a wicket presentation for our consultants team, on this first
teaser I have about ten minutes.

I plan to talk something about markup inheritance(the stuff with panels
and borders, which are very nice), and the POJO concept.

Also wickets model concept and that you don't have to think about the
tedious tasks like printing html and setting the correct radio to be
selected. I guess that part will be a big eye opener for some of themJ

Which features should I show?

The crowd will maximum have knowledge of struts or simple jsp pages.

Regards Nino

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