On Mon, 25 Jun 2007, Jean-Baptiste Quenot wrote:
> It's a pity  that you didn't mention the JIRA  issue in this email
> thread, as it would have helped to address the problem in a timely
> manner, I was not sure what bug you were exactly talking about and
> didn't ask.  Anyway now it's fixed, I discovered it is WICKET-254.

Yep I noticed, thankyou very much!

In fact we just discovered a workaround to a DropDownChoice
ajax issue with WicketTester in our app yesterday; I was
going to file an issue or talk about it here, but didn't
have time yet. It was something similar to the one just
discussed here, so I'll try later today whether your fix
also fixes that and report.

> If you  are aware  of other  bugs in  WicketTester, please  let us
> know, there  is no reason  why we  would want to  let WicketTester
> unmaintained, I'm sorry if you feel so.  This is a great tool that

No I don't, my workmate Kare seems more worried ;), and also
I think that the GUIs we're doing are relatively complex
with everything ajaxified and lots of dependencies between
screen components. That combined with serious TDD makes the
limitations of Wicket, WicketTester and our skills to
surface easily.

I for one will put more effort into bug reporting and making the
issues reproduceable after this encouraging experience of
having WICKET-254 fixed :) We have a couple of other test
methods disabled because we at least think that it was due
to WicketTester shortcomings, so let's see if something new
comes up.

> Be sure  that your bug reports  are very valuable, it's  true that

Good to hear. And to make it clear I also want to say that
Wicket and its community are excellent, and so is even
WicketTester with its possiblle shortcomings, as it allows
us to do 80-90 % of UI coding with relatively sane TDD.
That's much for any kind of UI framework.

Merci beaucoup,

Timo Rantalaiho           
Reaktor Innovations Oy    <URL: http://www.ri.fi/ >

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