Thanks, for the reply. I am using intel 2016. I did apply the patch get_nloat.patch in SRC_lapwso but I still have the same problem.

Which 2016 ifort?  I haven't used Update 3 ( but that version seemed particularly bad in mailing list posts probably because of the unformatted file I/O bug [ ].

Every so often it happens to me that I think I recompiled a change to the code, but I make as mistake and the change doesn't get compiled into the executable.  Though, maybe this doesn't happen to you.  When I get paranoid about that, I remove the existing executable and .o files using 'make clean'.

In this case for example:

username@computername:~/Desktop$ cd $WIENROOT
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ls -l lapwso
-rwxrwxr-x 1 username username 1533555 Apr 18 20:06 lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ rm lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ cd SRC_lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ make clean
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ ls -l get_nloat.f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 682 Apr  2  2014 get_nloat.f
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ wget
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ patch -b get_nloat.f get_nloat.patch
patching file get_nloat.f
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ ls -l get_nloat.f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 1782 Apr 18 20:12 get_nloat.f <- Notice how the get_nloat.f file changes from 682 to1782 after the patch
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ cd ..
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ./siteconfig
  Selection: R
   *                      Compile/Recompile programs                     *

     A   Compile all programs
     S   Select program

     Q   Quit

     Selection: S
   Which program to recompile? lapwso
Compile time errors (if any) were:

Check file   compile.msg   in the corresponding SRC_* directory for the
compilation log and more info on any compilation problem.

     Press RETURN to continue
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ls -l lapwso
-rwxrwxr-x 1 username username 1520752 Apr 18 20:16 lapwso <- Notice how the lapwso file size decreases from 1533555 to 1520752.  However, file sizes for the executable generated by the compiler specifically for your system might be of different sizes.
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