I am not sure if the problem is with lapwso. All the output files from lapw1 and lapwso (case.scf1, case.scfso) look ok to me.

The scf files look "ok", but you need to check the output1* and outputso* files.

lapw2 detects that the first eigenvalue on all the k-points has a large spread, i.e. they vary from -9 to -7 Ry. This is unphysical (such a deep semicore state MUST NOT vary in energy by more than a few mRy) for the different k-points and therefore lapw2 stops with an error messge, but the error must happened already before.

Check if such a variation already occurs in output1 or only in outputso.

Of course, these problems could also come from non-optimal sphere radii (with approximate linear dependency), bad energy parameters, a bad potential, ....

But case.scf2
files have only these lines:


        TEMP.-SMEARING WITH    0.00500 Ry
           -S / Kb           =  -5.64060904
           -(T*S)/2          =  -0.00705076
           Chem Pot          =   0.25857200
          Bandranges (emin - emax) and occupancy:
:WARN :BAN00001:   1   -9.849452   -7.837911  1.00000000

It is bit confusing for me that I am encountering this problem only for this system. As I mentioned in my previous message, I have worked with different systems with spin-orbit coupling (some supercells containingmore than 250 atoms) but I didn't have problem with this version of intel.


*From:* Wien <wien-boun...@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at> on behalf of Gavin Abo <gs...@crimson.ua.edu>
*Sent:* Thursday, April 19, 2018 2:55 AM
*To:* wien@zeus.theochem.tuwien.ac.at
*Subject:* Re: [Wien] 'LAPW2: semicore band-ranges too large error' for spin-orbit calculation

Thanks, for the reply. I am using intel 2016. I did apply the patch get_nloat.patch in SRC_lapwso but I still have the same problem.

Which 2016 ifort?  I haven't used Update 3 ( but that version seemed particularly bad in mailing list posts probably because of the unformatted file I/O bug [ https://software.intel.com/en-us/articles/read-failure-unformatted-file-io-psxe-16-update-3 ].

Every so often it happens to me that I think I recompiled a change to the code, but I make as mistake and the change doesn't get compiled into the executable.  Though, maybe this doesn't happen to you.  When I get paranoid about that, I remove the existing executable and .o files using 'make clean'.

In this case for example:

username@computername:~/Desktop$ cd $WIENROOT
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ls -l lapwso
-rwxrwxr-x 1 username username 1533555 Apr 18 20:06 lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ rm lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ cd SRC_lapwso
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ make clean
rm -f *.o _tmp_.* *.P .real .complex .sequential .parallel *.mod
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ ls -l get_nloat.f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 682 Apr  2  2014 get_nloat.f
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/gsabo/WIEN2k-Patches/master/17.1/get_nloat.patch
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ patch -b get_nloat.f get_nloat.patch
patching file get_nloat.f
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ ls -l get_nloat.f
-rw-rw-r-- 1 username username 1782 Apr 18 20:12 get_nloat.f <- Notice how the get_nloat.f file changes from 682 to1782 after the patch
username@computername:~/WIEN2k/SRC_lapwso$ cd ..
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ./siteconfig
   Selection: R
    *                      Compile/Recompile programs                     *

      A   Compile all programs
      S   Select program

      Q   Quit

      Selection: S
    Which program to recompile? lapwso
Compile time errors (if any) were:

Check file   compile.msg   in the corresponding SRC_* directory for the
compilation log and more info on any compilation problem.

      Press RETURN to continue
username@computername:~/WIEN2k$ ls -l lapwso
-rwxrwxr-x 1 username username 1520752 Apr 18 20:16 lapwso <- Notice how the lapwso file size decreases from 1533555 to 1520752.  However, file sizes for the executable generated by the compiler specifically for your system might be of different sizes.

Wien mailing list


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