>> To clarify: it's incorrect that Wikiversity is not focused on
>> research; research is one of the core focuses of Wikiversity,
>> complementing learning resources and learning activities. Just like
>> other learning 'institutions', research is seen as an educational
>> activity, and as a driver of further knowledge and resources. It's
>> always been a core focus to get researchers (including, but not
>> limited to, on wikis) together on Wikiversity - to share and discuss
>> each other's work, and to collaborate on further work. However, I
>> admit this isn't so clear from the main page, so I'll edit that now. :-)
>> Conversely, I'd also like a bit more clarity on what WikiScience aims
>> to do, and how it aims to do it. For example, it seems that there is
>> an explicit aim to integrate other tools alongside a wiki in this work
>> - is that right? It would be good, in general, to expand on its scope
>> and vision - as well as an indication of the
>> activity/people/organisation behind it so far. That might help set a
>> foundation for further development and collaboration. ;-)
>> Cheers,
>> Cormac

Ok now... I didn't mean to say that research how no place at Wikiversity - I was
just under the impression that it's not the main focus. But I may be wrong 

In my mind, comparing the proposed research wiki to Wikiversity is odd, because
Wikiversity is so much broader in scope. Comparing it to Wikiversitie's
"Wikimedia Studies" portal
<http://en.wikiversity.org/wiki/Portal:Wikimedia_Studies> makes more sense to
me. And there is indeed some overlap.

Now, I don't know exactly what Filipe has in mind, but from what I understand of
Wikiversity, and what I would like WikiScience to be, here are the main points I
see for WikiScience:

* It would be a place to write abut individual projects, wiki engines,
frameworks, etc.
* WikiScience would be a place to collect, share and document individual tools
and libraries.
* WikiScience would offer additional services, such as a dedicated news feed or
a mailing list (though perhaps Wiki-research-l is sufficient, if we replace
"Wikimedia" in the title by "Wiki"). Maye there could even be a repository for
code and data.
* Bibliographies would of course also be important -- though I also see that for
Wikiversity. Maybe they could be federated somehow? (btw, cooperation with the
openlibrary is currently pondered)

In short, I imagine  WikiScience would be the place for me to go when I want to
find a tool for a specific task, or discuss experiences with specific problems
with fellow researchers. While Wikiversity is where I would go when I want to
get an overview of the results of research done on wikis, to "learn about
wikis". Also, by nature, Wikiversity focuses on wikimedia, while WikiScience
would not automatically -- though of course Wikipedia is the most common
research subject.

Anyway... I don't think the effort is redundant, just like Wookipedia is not
redundant to Portal:Star_Wars. But we should of course be careful not to
fragment community and content. So, let's cooperate and work on making these
things *complementary*.

-- daniel

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