As an HCI/CS researcher who has published at top peer-reviewed 
conferences about Wikipedia, but not journals, I'd like to echo James' 
statements. Journals are not the norm in CS/HCI research. Knowledge is 
shared through conferences, not journals.

On 3/14/11 11:32 AM, James Howison wrote:
> Hi there,
> Great project; massive but will be much appreciated.  We did something 
> similar for empirical studies of Open Source, recently accepted at ACM 
> Computing Surveys (PDF pre-print available here [1], article not in print 
> until 2012 (!! that's another email entirely, bah))
> I recognize the need to cut down the number of articles for review, we 
> reviewed around 600 and that was a multi-year effort. We did that mainly by 
> excluding conceptual (hence empirical) or passing reference articles (ie we 
> did a two-step filter on many more articles), but were forced to only do 
> journal articles for updates during the (long) revision process.  I regret 
> that necessity, it decreases the utility of the work.
> Given the publication venues of choice for many academics in this community I 
> do wonder if you aren't shooting yourself in the foot by excluding 
> peer-reviewed conferences and restricting to journals.  Personally I'd rather 
> read a review that included the top journals and top conferences than one 
> that included all journals.  Or even rather read a review over a shorter time 
> period that included publications over journals and conferences, or on more 
> specified topics. The interesting question is, "what do we know about 
> wikipedia" not "what did we publish in journals about wikipedia".  In 
> particular you will find you have systematically excluded the contribution of 
> HCI authors.
> Given the commendable and massive effort you are providing (and your approach 
> to coverage below is really interesting), getting that wrong at the outset 
> seems a shame.
> Best regards,
> James Howison
> [1] Crowston, K., Wei, K., Howison, J., and Wiggins, A. (2012). Free (libre) 
> open source software development: What we know and what we do not know. ACM 
> Computing Surveys, 44(2):
> On Mar 14, 2011, at 13:58, Chitu Okoli wrote:
>> Hi everyone,
>> We are a research group conducting a systematic literature review on 
>> Wikipedia-related peer-reviewed academic studies published in the English 
>> language. (Although there are many excellent studies in other languages, we 
>> unfortunately do not have the resources to systematically review these at 
>> any kind of acceptable scholarly level. Also, our study is about Wikipedia 
>> only, not about other Wikimedia Foundation projects. However, we do include 
>> studies about other language Wikipedias, as long as the studies are 
>> published in English.) We have completed a search using many major databases 
>> of scholarly research. In a separate thread, we will also talk about 
>> research questions related to our review.
>> As of the end of November 2010, when we stopped searching, we had identified 
>> over 2,100 peer-reviewed studies that have "wikipedia", "wikipedian", or 
>> "wikipedians" in their title, abstract or keywords. As this number of 
>> studies is far too large for conducting a review synthesis, we have decided 
>> to focus only on peer-reviewed journal publications and doctoral theses; we 
>> identified 625 such studies. In addition, we identified around 1,500 
>> peer-reviewed conference articles; we will discuss these in a separate 
>> thread.
>> In addition to the scholarly databases that we searched, we have very 
>> carefully compared the lists of studies from the following Wikimedia pages 
>> to verify what we may have missed:
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>> *
>>  From these pages, we identified an additional 13 journal articles and 3 
>> doctoral theses that we had not previously identified. These were either 
>> articles published after November 2010, articles in journals indexed in very 
>> few scholarly databases, a few European journals, and doctoral theses from 
>> outside North America. After adding these, we have identified a total of 638 
>> publications, of which 610 journal articles and 28 doctoral theses.  
>> (However, as we begin to read these, we will remove some from our lists if 
>> we find that they are really not about Wikipedia.)
>> We have now updated the following page with the peer-reviewed journal 
>> articles and doctoral theses we have identified: 
>> Please 
>> note that we have only updated the sections on peer-reviewed journal 
>> articles and on theses; we have not updated other sections with newly 
>> identified studies, except for correcting some misclassified items.
>> To help us in identifying all eligible studies, we would really appreciate 
>> it if you could look at the sections on peer-reviewed journal articles and 
>> theses in 
>>, and 
>> send us any citations (by yourself or others) that you know are missing. In 
>> particular,  please inform us of:
>> * Doctoral theses conducted outside North America
>> * Peer-reviewed articles in journals not well indexed by North American 
>> databases
>> * Peer-reviewed journal articles and doctoral theses published or accepted 
>> and forthcoming after November 2010.
>> Thanks for your help.
>> Chitu Okoli, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
>> (
>> Arto Lanamäki, University of Agder, Kristiansand, Norway
>> Mohamad Mehdi, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
>> Mostafa Mesgari, Concordia University, Montreal, Canada
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