On 11/4/21 8:09 AM, D Z wrote:

Hi Adam,

Thanks for your reply. The qitem api returns missing for this article but
the article exists:


The Wikipedia page link
<https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Playas_de_L%27Atalaya_y_Focar%C3%B3n> is

It seems that the issue is the apostrophe after "L", in the wikidata query it is "´" and the wikipedia link above uses "'".  Maybe something in your query script is normalizing the fancy apostrophe to a simple one?  I would check for proper UTF-8 handling.

Would you know if there is a way to input article revision ID or pageid
instead of source title for the logevents API? The strings seem to be
problematic at times.

This was prescient :-).  But I don't see any record of the article being deleted, so perhaps the API is correct in this case?


Unfortunately, the API help page doesn't mention filtering the log by page ID.  One approach you might consider is to download the entire log history, then process it locally to filter by page ID.

Help page: https://www.mediawiki.org/w/api.php?action=help&modules=query%2Blogevents

Adam W.

For example, the article 'Rodrigo Flores Álvarez' of
'pt' Wikipedia gives me trouble (I got this article from the cxtranslation
list). This page seems to be missing
<https://pt.wikipedia.org/wiki/Rodrigo_Flores_%C3%81lvarez> and perhaps I
am not using the logevents API correctly, but it returns empty.

{'batchcomplete': '', 'query': {'logevents': []}}

endpoint = str('pt') + '.wikipedia.org/w/api.php'
query_url =  "https://{0}".format(endpoint)
params = {}
params['action'] = 'query'
params['list'] = 'logevents'
params['format'] = 'json'
params['leaction'] = 'delete/delete'
params['letitle'] = 'Rodrigo Flores Álvarez'
json_response = requests.get(url=query_url, params=params).json()

Thanks again and cheers,

Doris Zhou

On Wed, Oct 27, 2021 at 9:51 AM Adam Wight <adam.wi...@wikimedia.de> wrote:

The "logevents" API should return the same data as Special:Log. For


This can be filtered further to just delete events, and so on.

But if you only want to know whether an article exists or not, "missing"
should be accurate.  Can you share some example URLs for which the page
exists, but the API returns "missing"?

Kind regards,
Adam W.

On 10/27/21 3:40 AM, D Z wrote:
Hello All,

I am doing research investigating the role of machine translation in
Wikipedia articles. I am having trouble with how to know if an article
been deleted from Wikipedia. Specifically, I am getting a list of
from the cxtranslation list and I would like to know which articles are
longer on Wikipedia. I see that there is the deletion log form
<https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Special:Log/delete> but is there an API
some way to access something like this form so I could check if a mass
amount of articles have been deleted?

I have used the Media Wiki API <https://en.wikipedia.org/w/api.php> to
articles and the API returns missing for some articles, but this does not
seem to be fully accurate for determining if an article has been deleted
because the API has returned 'missing' for articles that do exist.

To summarize, my main question is: given an article language edition and
article title, or an article pageid, is there an API to check if the
article has been deleted?

Any help would be greatly appreciated!


Doris Zhou
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