JanZerebecki added a comment.

Hi and welcome Allen.

> The problem we identified is that the assumption of one wikipedia article 
> match one concept (might be equivalent to Wikidata item?) need to be improved 
> for content completeness concern.

Wikidata is among others useful to describe that specific concepts are the same 
and other relationships between concepts.

> For example, when AI system used content of "United States" article as their 
> understanding of this concept, it ignores all the content in "History of the 
> United States", "Geography of the United States" etc. which are integral part 
> of the content.

If the AI ingested everything, this would be solved, right?

> Since the main/sub-article is not well defined (or at least not well 
> understood and executed by the Wikipedia editors), there are a lot of false 
> positive and true negative if solely looking at {Main} template.

Could you give the definition(s) of main/sub-article you are working with and 
examples of false positives and true negatives?

> I feel I know too little about Wikidata to provide direct and meaningful ways 
> for integration.

I don't know enough of your research, but identifying relations (as in Wikidata 
Properties, e.g. x is history of topic y, see 
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q30#P2184 ) that are missing between Wikidata 
concepts (as in Items, like USA and history of the United States) or 
identifying incorrect ones is likely useful. In fact there are multiple systems 
in use to offer similar suggestions to Wikidata editors, one of them is 
https://tools.wmflabs.org/wikidata-game/ another one is 
https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:Primary_sources_tool .

You are welcome to ask more questions.



To: Lydia_Pintscher, JanZerebecki
Cc: Cheetah90, JanZerebecki, Lydia_Pintscher, Aklapper, StudiesWorld, aude, 
Halfak, Wikidata-bugs, Mbch331

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