Cheetah90 added a comment.

Hi Jan,

Thanks for the response!

> If the AI ingested everything, this would be solved, right?

Yes to some extent, since the AI system still have to figure out which are the 
correct sub-articles given a main article from all the corpus.

> Could you give the definition(s) of main/sub-article you are working with and 
> examples of false positives and true negatives?

Yes. Definition of main/sub-articles relationship: The only reason the 
potential sub-article exists is to split the corresponding main article into 
more manageable subtopics. The potential sub-article really does not deserve 
its own page, and the corresponding main article is the best place to put the 
sub-article’s content.

False positive: main-article  Caffeine <> 
sub-article History of Chocolate 

True negative: main-article Conspiracy Theory 
<> and sub article Masonic 
conspiracy theories <> 
actually it is a sub-article in French Conspiracy Theory page. But missing on 
English Conspiracy Theory page.

Thanks for pointing out those resources. I wish I could play the Wikidata one 
but it's loading very slow on my network :( (5 mins and I am still on the 
Looking for a person with birth place but no country of citizenship... page) I 
will try when I am on the university's network next time. A quick question: how 
often are the wikidata imported back to Wikipedia articles?




To: Lydia_Pintscher, Cheetah90
Cc: Cheetah90, JanZerebecki, Lydia_Pintscher, Aklapper, StudiesWorld, aude, 
Halfak, Wikidata-bugs, Mbch331

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