Well, I don't know if they would hurt anyone, but I don't think people would go 
through the extra effort to set them. Here are our current properties. 
http://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Wikidata:List_of_properties We could categorize 
them according to mutability, but we'd also need to know how many times each 
property is used. For historic population values, qualifiers will serve the 
purpose you want. For presidential terms, I think we will either see "started 
presidency" and "ended presidency" properties that are added to items for 
people who have been president, or we will see "administration began" and 
"administration ended" properties added to items for each presidential 

Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 00:49:04 +0200
From: bene...@zedat.fu-berlin.de
To: wikidata-l@lists.wikimedia.org
Subject: Re: [Wikidata-l] Page history and properties

    Good Point! The first things I thougt
      about were populations and other country, region or city oriented


      But would two fields that can be set to NULL as default -
      valid_from -> the beginning of the time, valid_to -> the end
      of the universe - hurt anyone?




      Am Fr 05.04.2013 00:37, schrieb Michael Hale:

      I don't have any data to agree or disagree with you
        about that, but most of the edits I have made have been for
        films. Most of those claims are immutable.


          Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 00:34:21 +0200

          From: bene...@zedat.fu-berlin.de

          To: wikidata-l@lists.wikimedia.org

          Subject: Re: [Wikidata-l] Page history and properties


          I don't think, that the most
            claims are immutable. 


            Am Fr 05.04.2013 00:30, schrieb Michael Hale:

            We will use qualifiers to tag values with
              dates for which they are relevant if there isn't a better
              place to put the information. We commonly use the example
              of historic population values. MediaWiki software saves
              disk space by delta encoding edit histories. 

              I can probably think of at least 5 different ways we
                could arrange the schema of Wikidata to store
                information about US presidents, but I don't think using
                universal valid_from and valid_to values for every claim
                is the most efficient, natural, or flexible way to do


                > Date: Fri, 5 Apr 2013 00:08:00 +0200

                  > From: bene...@zedat.fu-berlin.de

                  > To: wikidata-l@lists.wikimedia.org

                  > Subject: Re: [Wikidata-l] Page history and


                  > And what are you doing when you want the
                  knowledge of the world from 5 

                  > years ago? Isn't this a valid need? To compare
                  what have changed for 

                  > example in the measurement of ocean depth?


                  > These snapshots could be a low hanging fruit with
                  valid_from and 

                  > valid_to and it is saving disk space compared to
                  storing complete dumps 

                  > every day.



                  > Instead of having a "List of Presidents of the
                  US" or looking up every 

                  > person for a property "President of the USA" you
                  could get this List 

                  > from the property "President" from the Item "USA"
                  together with 

                  > valid_from and valid_to.


                  > Lukas


                  > Am Do 04.04.2013 22:23, schrieb Michael Hale:

                  > > I thought one of the main reasons we are
                  making Wikidata is so that 

                  > > you can update a value there, and then
                  everywhere it is used will be 

                  > > automatically updated. If we find a more
                  precise measurement for the 

                  > > depth of an ocean trench, then I just want
                  to update it on Wikidata, 

                  > > and then every article that references it
                  will be updated. I don't 

                  > > want to have to update it on Wikidata and
                  then go do a null edit on 

                  > > every article that uses that information.



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