On 26 February 2014 10:45, Joonas Suominen <joonas.suomi...@wikimedia.fi> wrote:
> How about using RDFa and foaf:primaryTopic like in this example
> https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/RDFa#XHTML.2BRDFa_1.0_example
> 2014-02-26 20:18 GMT+02:00 Paul Houle <ontolo...@gmail.com>:
>> Isn't there some way to do this with schema.org?

The FOAF options were designed for relations between entities and documents -

foaf:primaryTopic relates a Document to a thing that the doc is
primarily about (i.e. assumes entity IDs as value, pedantically).

the inverse, foaf:isPrimaryTopicOf, was designed to allow an entity
description in a random page to anchor itself against well known
pages. In particular we had Wikipedia in mind.


(Both of these share a classic Semantic Web pickyness about
distinguishing things from pages about those things).

Much more recently at schema.org we've added a new
property/relationship called http://schema.org/sameAs

It relates an entity to a reference page (e.g. wikipedia) that can be
used as a kind of proxy identifier for the real world thing that it
describes. Not to be confused with owl:sameAs which is for saying
"here are two ways of identifying the exact same real world entity".

None of these are a perfect fit for a relationship between a random
Web page and a reference page. But maybe close enough?

Both FOAF and schema.org are essentially dictionaries of
hopefully-useful terms, so you can use them in HTML head, or body,
according to taste, policy, tooling etc. And you can choose a syntax
(microdata, rdfa, json-ld etc.).

I'd recommend using the new schema.org 'sameAs', .e.g. in rdfa lite,

<link href="https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Buckingham_Palace";
property="http://schema.org/sameAs"; />

This technically says "the thing we're describing in the current
element is Buckingham_Palace. If you want to be more explicit and say
"this Web page is about a real world Place and that place is
Buckingham_Palace ... you can do this too with a bit more nesting; the
HTML body might be a better place for it.


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