Am 09.09.2014 19:20, schrieb Daniel Kinzler:
> Hi Rob, thanks for clarifying!
> I guess I just oversimplified what was said in our discussion. I'll try to
> summarize what you now wrote:
> If there is a package for dbal/symfony/whatever in Ubuntu LTS, we have a good
> chance, but no guarantee, that TechOps is fine with deploying it.

Quick update on that: If I understand correctly, the cluster is running Ubuntu
12.04, which doesn't have the packages in question, but an upgrade to 14.04 is
in the pipeline.

So, there are two things we need to know in order to make an informed decision:

1) can we use the Ubuntu LTS packages for symfony and dbal?

2) when is 14.04 going to be rolled out?

Who can answer these questions? How do we poke TechOps?

-- daniel

Daniel Kinzler
Senior Software Developer

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