On Mon, Feb 15, 2016 at 10:56 AM, André Costa <lokal.pro...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Would it be possible to set the language used to search with? Whilst I most
> often use English on Wikidata I'm sure a lot of people don't.
Not yet. The query takes quite a while, so it's done in realtime but
every 24 hours, and then it's compiled to the HTML list. Adding
multi-language support would be a bit more cumbersome. I'm open to
pull requests though ;)

Markus wrote:
> I would just filter this in code; a more complex SPARQL query is just getting 
> slower.
> Here is a little example Python script that gets all the data you need:
Ah, excellent. In that case i'll just do a query and filter in Python.

> I intend to use this in our upcoming new class/property browser as well.
> Maybe it would actually make sense to merge the two applications at some point
I hope the propbrowser will be made irrelevant by improvements in
other tools and the main Wikidata site ;)

-- Hay

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