Q5003624 (memorial) is a subclass of Q1885014 (no English label).

Labels for Q5003624   https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q5003624
    English: memorial
    French: mémorial
    German: Gedenkstätte
    Portuguese: Monumento comemorativo
    Spanish: Monumento conmemorativo

Labels for Q1885014   https://www.wikidata.org/wiki/Q1885014
    English: no label
    French: monument commémoratif
    German: Mahnmal

These are the relevant articles on German language Wikipedia:
Q5003624: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gedenkst%C3%A4tte
Q1885014: https://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mahnmal

The English description of Q1885014 is "type of monument that serves as a
warning". Is that right?

Should we invent an English label, for Q1885014? How about "Warning memorial"?

It seems the like the French label for Q1885014 is the same as the Portuguese
and Spanish labels of Q5003624. Maybe one of these labels is wrong.

Is Q5003624 (Gedenkstätte) genuinely a subclass of Q1885014 (Mahnmal)?

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